Tag Archives: round 5

Round V begins today In the spirit of…

Round V begins today!

In the spirit of community, we’re asking all players in round V to make a pledge to the winner of the exhibition And the Winner is… At the conclusion of the tournament the winner (which could be you!) will be given a list of all of the 128 pledges made during round V and will be allowed to select 12 of these pledges as part of their prize package. The pledges we are asking players to make can be as big or as small as you like, but should be a pledge of something you will honestly do for the winner. Some examples might be: baking the winner cookies, changing your facebook status for a few days to sing the winner’s praises, or something more elaborate like proofing a paper for the winner or offering to sit and watch the winner’s favorite film together and then discussing it with them. The pledge is entirely up to you, but we ask that all players make the effort to participate as fully as possible.

And one curator remains I am on my…

And one curator remains! I am on my way to Round V. Somehow I missed meeting up with my partner for Round IV (sorry to miss you Evren), but we both managed to get our games in and I squeaked by with 260pts. While the win is nice in and of itself, I’m mostly excited that I’ll have the opportunity to make a pledge in Round V to the exhibition’s winner. Now I have to get creative. What can I do for the winner that would be truly special? I’ve been learning to bake recently. Perhaps I can bake 2 dozen cookies for them? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.