
All members of the Haverford community—students, faculty, staff, and visitors—are invited to compete in a campus-wide skee-ball tournament hosted by the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery.  Practice and play anytime Monday through Friday 11am-5pm, Wednesday until 8pm, and Saturday and Sunday 12-5pm.


The Tournament

All students, faculty, and staff at Haverford College are included in the tournament.

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be notified about the exhibition, the tournament, and various programs through email, the website, Facebook events, postcards, posters, flyers and other written and verbal communication.  Those in the know, please tell your friends and co-workers and encourage them to participate.

Anyone may opt-out of the tournament. If you don’t play your first-round competitive game, you will automatically be withdrawn from the tournament, and you will be removed from the contact list.  You may also email and ask to be removed from the tournament.

Visitors unaffiliated with Haverford may compete: we will keep track of high score and highest average score.  Ask and a member of the gallery staff will create a score card for you.  Record 10 competitive games, and we will keep track of your scores in the overall standings.

Players participating in And the Winner is… tournament play will be asked for basic contact information and group affiliations: e.g., you and a few friends can create a team, you could play for your customs group, or declare your allegiance to a school club or current athletic team. At the end of the tournament we will also declare a group champion.  This information is for internal use only for tournament recording and team play and will not be shared with any outside party.

For official tournament scoring, Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery staff will have to witness and record every throw of every competitive game. Practice for as long as you like.  When you are ready to play your official tournament game, see a member of the staff.

If only one player of a pair plays during a round, this player will automatically advance to the next round.  If neither player plays, then neither advances.  In the next round the player who would have have played the winner of this latter pair, neither of whom played, will receive a bye.

Scores will be kept on a scorecard uniquely assigned to each player, on the walls of the gallery, and in a database maintained in the gallery.

One lane has been fitted with a mechanical assist to enable those with physical disabilities to compete.  If you would like to use this lane, please notify a member of the gallery staff when you visit.



Skee-ball is played on a skee-ball machine, a long ramp with a ball jump at the end that leads up to several holes at the top separated by circular borders. The object of the game is to get the ball into these point holes. The player receives nine skee-balls. These balls are made out of polished hardwood or heavy plastic. The player must roll the balls up the ramp to get them to enter the point holes which have values ranging from 0 points up to 100. After throwing all nine skee-balls, you have completed your game.  The final score will then be tallied by gallery staff.

In the event that two players tie during an And the Winner Is… tournament round, the tie will be broken by employing a sequence of three tests.  First, games will be analyzed for the frequency of highest point rolls. E.g., the player with the highest number of 50 point rolls will be deemed the winner of that round’s game. Second, games will be analyzed for the frequency of lowest point rolls. E.g., the player with the lowest number of 0 point rolls will be deemed the winner of that round’s game. Finally, if the two previous methods fail to select a winner, the tie would be broken by a coin toss performed by a member of the gallery staff.



As the competition enters its fifth round ( 128 competitors left), each remaining player will pledge something that he or she will give the winner. These 128 pledged items and services will make up the pot of prizes from which the final Winner will choose. In the end, the Winner may choose 12 pledges to receive as his or her prize.

In addition, artist Lee Walton hopes to whisk the Winner away to Greensboro, N.C., where he currently teaches at UNC, for a once-in-a-lifetime performative prize: an all-expenses-paid day of touring the town and being treated like the winner that he or she has proven to be.


Schedule of Rounds

Round I (1920 to 1024 players): 10 days: 11am Fri, Mar 16 – 5pm Sun, Mar 25
Round II (1024 to 512 players): 7 days: 11am Mon, Mar 26 – 5pm Sun, Apr 1
Round III (512 to 256 players): 6 days: 11am Mon, Apr 2 – 5pm Sat, Apr 7
Round IV (256 to 128 players): 4 days: 12pm Sun, Apr 8 – 5pm Wed, Apr 11
Round V (128 to 64 players): 4 days: 11am Thur, Apr 12 – 5pm Sun, Apr 15
Round VI (64 to 32 players): 2 days: 11am Mon, Apr 16 – 5pm Tue, Apr 17
Round VII: (32 to 16 players) 2 days: 11am Wed, Apr 18 – 5pm Thu, Apr 19
Rounds VIII – XI: (16 to 1 winner) 1.5 hours: 12:30pm – 2:00pm Fri, Apr 20